News & Events

Axion Hellas & Latsio Elementary School of Psychiko College: Construction of Children's Lending Libraries in Amorgos & Schinoussa

The student community of Psychiko College collaborated with Axion Hellas on a commendable initiative aimed at fostering a love for knowledge and reading. As part of this project, outdoor libraries were constructed and books were collected to be donated to Amorgos and Schinoussa.

Each library is unique and carries the artistic touch of the school's children. Their drawings depict themes from nature, history, and daily life, creating a warm and welcoming space that invites everyone to discover the magical world of books, the value of sharing knowledge, and the beauty of reading.

On June 25th, representatives of Axion Hellas, along with Ms. Vanna Karkasi, Deputy Head of 5th & 6th grades and Head of the Psychiko College student community, and students from the College, attended a ceremony in Amorgos where they handed over the first Lending Library to the Mayor of Amorgos, Mr. Lefteris Karaiskos, and the appointed advisor, Mr. Nikos Simidalas. Also present were the presidents of the Parents' Associations of the Amorgos schools, parents, and many children.

We would like to thank Latsio Elementary School of Psychiko College for their collaboration and support in this important project, and we look forward to future initiatives that will promote education and solidarity. A special thanks to Ms. Dimitra Panagouli, Principal of the Latsio Elementary School of Psychiko College, and Ms. Vanna Karkasi for the wonderful collaboration. We are also deeply grateful for the invaluable assistance of the Deputy Mayor of Amorgos, Popi Despotidi, and the local authorities. A heartfelt thank you to the Amorgos transport company, Sea Jets, and Blue Star Ferries for their significant support in the completion of this initiative.

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