Inauguration of the electric generator at the Defense Administration Camp (DAC)

In the beautiful island of Kastellorizo, yesterday afternoon, in a humble and deeply moving ceremony, after the consecration service by Father Georgios, Ms. Mareva Grabofski-Mitsotakis pressed the "green button" and put into operation the electric generator, which was installed on the island through the generous donation of Ms. Elena Ambrosiadou and the efforts of AXION HELLAS.
The electric generator will serve the needs of the Defense Administration Camp (DAC) but can also assist the entire island during the winter.
During the ceremony, speeches were given by Christos Eustratiou, Deputy Regional Governor of the Dodecanese, Vasilis Pateras, President of AXION HELLAS, Dimitris Choupis, Brigadier General Commander of the 95th Airborne Brigade, and Athanasios Megistis Fotinoglou, Commander of DAC.